

I made a strange gadget on the weekend.

一个根据字幕来做出视频缩略版的工具, 效果参见李永乐老师讲柏拉图立体的复习缩略版

It is a tool to make a abbreviated video based on subtitles. See Teacher Li Yongle explained the Platonic solid(review version)

这是一段remix的视频, 是从李永乐老师讲柏拉图立体 的课程中节选了数学概念的部分, 去掉了推导与展开的部分. 原视频大约12分钟, 剪辑后的视频只有4分钟. 可以方便用来快速复习概念.

This is a remix video, which is selected from the course of Platonic solid, and the deduction and expansion part were removed. The original video is about 12 minutes, and the remix video is only 4 minutes. It is convenient for quick review of concepts.

过程是这样的, 先从youtube下载某个视频的字幕, 然后你可以对字幕进行编辑, 删去不重要的部分, 只留下需要保留的文字, 但注意仍然要保留原来的换行. 然后程序会自动在字幕中查找保留文字, 并找到对应的时间. 把对应时间的视频片段下载下来, 连成一体.

这个程序最好是在Google Colab上运行, 在本地电脑上运行要令终端也可以正常访问国际互联网 本文的代码在github上, 可以上传至google colab中运行

The process follows:

  • At first download the subtitles of a video from youtube,
  • then you can edit the subtitles, delete the unimportant parts, leaving only the words that need to be retained, but note that you still need to keep the original line breaks.
  • Then the program will Automatically find reserved text in the subtitles, and find the corresponding time.
  • At last, the program will download the video clips corresponding to the time, and connect them together.

Recommend to run this program on Google Colab. The source code on github, which can be uploaded to google colab to run.

这个程序依赖于webvtt-pyyoutube-dlffmpeg , 当然还有pandas

注意在Google Colab上, webvtt-py和youtube-dl都是需要每次安装的.

This program requires webvtt-py, youtube-dl and ffmpeg and of course pandas

Note that on Google Colab, both webvtt-py and youtube-dl need to be installed each time.

In [4]:
    import webvtt
    !pip install webvtt-py
    import webvtt
    import youtube_dl
    !pip install youtube_dl
    import youtube_dl
import pandas as pd
import os, subprocess, difflib


首先是要下载youtube上的视频字幕, youtube的字幕有两类, 一是作者自己上传的文字字幕, 一是由youtube进行语音识别后生成的自动字幕, 其中自动字幕又会被机器翻译成各种语言.

youtube字幕是一种叫做WebVTT的格式, 可以使用youtube-dl进行下载. 虽然youtube-dl有python运行方式, 但我还不能熟练掌握, 于是使用了subprocess.call运行命令行进行下载.

如果是下载自动字幕, 要使用--write-auto-sub, 如果是下载作者上传的字幕, 则是--write-sub, 下载字幕的时候, 我觉得并不需要将视频也下载下来, 所以要使用--skip-download, 字幕的语言简体中文=zh-Hans, 英文=en

Download youtube video subtitles

The first step is to download the video subtitles on youtube. There are two types of subtitles in youtube. One is uploaded by the author himself, and the other is automatic generated by speech recognition. The automatic subtitles are translated into various kinds by the machine learning.

The format of youtube subtitle is WebVTT, which can be downloaded using youtube-dl. Although youtube-dl has python running mode, I still can't master it well. So I use subprocess.call to run the command to download.

If you download automatic subtitles, use --write-auto-sub. If you download the subtitles uploaded by the author, it is --write-sub. When downloading subtitles, I don’t think I need to download the video, so adding --skip-download. The language of the subtitles is choosing by "Language Tags", eg. simplified Chinese=zh-Hans, English=en

In [5]:
def download_youtube_sub(youtube_url,out_filename, lang="zh-Hans"):
    vtt_command = ['youtube-dl',
               '--write-auto-sub', # 如果下载作者自制的字幕则使用--write-sub
               '--sub-lang', lang, # 选择语言
               '--skip-download',  # 不下载视频, 只下载字幕
               '--no-continue',    # 强制覆盖已经下载的文件
              '--output', out_filename] # 输出文件名格式
    # final out filename=out_filename+lang+'.vtt'
    p=subprocess.call(vtt_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    if p!=0:
        return True


vtt的字幕, 是一种还挺丰富(=复杂)的字幕格式, 里面不仅仅是时间戳和文字, 文字里可以加入丰富的特效. 特别是英文版本的vtt字幕, 为了表现出连贯的效果, 会把当前行与下一行字幕都显示出来, 于是每一句话其实记录了两次(中文似乎没有). 所以要进行一点清理. 将重复的部分删去. 只保留当前说的一句话, 和这句话的起止时间戳. 保存到一个pandas Dataframe里. 毕竟pandas后期好处理

Clean up vtt subtitles

VTT subtitle is a kind of rich text (=complex) subtitle format, which is not only time stamps and texts, but also rich effects in the text. Especially the English version of vtt subtitles, the current line and the next line will be displayed, so each sentence is actually recorded twice (Chinese does not seem to). So cleaning up is need:

  • Delete the duplicated part,
  • keep only the current one, and the start and end time of the sentence.
  • Save to a pandas Dataframe.

After all, pandas is easy to handle later.

In [6]:
def clean_vtt(vtt):
    lines = []
    starts = []
    ends = []
    for line in vtt:
        starts.extend([line.start] * repeat)
        ends.extend([line.end] * repeat)

    previous = None

    for l,s,e in zip(lines,starts,ends):
        if l == previous:
            previous = l

    return df


无他, 一行一句, 保留换行之后比较好看也好编辑.

merge vtt subtitles into scripts

One line one sentence. Keeping return \n is easier to read and edit.

In [7]:
def vtt_to_transcript(vtt):
    return transcript


给定一句话, 要在字幕中找到这一句话的时间戳, 这样才能按照时间对视频切片. python的标准库里有一个difflib, 专门用来比较, 其中我使用的是get_close_matches, 找到最接近的文字. 这样即使只截取了一句话中的一部分, 也有可能找到相应的话语.

考虑到给定的一句话, 一定是从字幕中提取出来, 所以没有考虑找不到的情况.

使用pandas的优点在此显现, 只需要merge两个数据库, 就可以把相同字段, 相同内容的部分求出交集, 这样就可以获得时间戳了.

(在这里记录url, 是为了日后扩展成从多个字幕中找句子, 那时就要记录每个字幕从哪里来的, 这是后话, 暂时还没有开始)

Find the corresponding sentence in the subtitle

Given a sentence, you need to find the timestamp of this sentence in the subtitles, so that you can slice the video according to the timestamp. There is a difflib in the standard library of python, which is used for comparison. I use get_close_matches to find the closest text. By this way, even if only a part of a sentence is choosen, it is possible to find the whole sentence.

Consider a given sentence that must be extracted from the subtitles, so don't worry about not finding the given sentence.

The advantages of using pandas appear here. You only need to merge two databases, then you can find the intersection of the same field and the same content, then you can get the timestamps.

(The url is recorded here, in order to expand to find sentences from multiple subtitles in the future. At that time, it is necessary to record where each subtitle comes from. This is a future plan, but it has not yet started.)

In [8]:
def find_text_in_vtt(text,vtt,youtube_url):
    for t in text.splitlines():
        if sentence:
    return df_chosen


还是以李永乐老师讲课的视频为例, 这堂课的字幕内容

The above is the part that handles subtitles.

Take the video of Li Yongle’s lecture as an example. The subtitles of this lesson.

In [11]:
if __name__=="__main__":
    download_youtube_sub(youtube_url,vtt_pre, lang=lang)
    print(vtt_to_transcript(vtt)[:100]) #blog中只显示100个字符
各位同学大家好 我是李永乐老师
最近有小朋友说 他看综艺节目里面谈到了


对, 这个程序做不到人工智能, 只有手工智能, 我怎么知道你觉得那一部分更重要, 所以请复制粘贴上面打印出来的字幕, 然后删掉其中不想要的部分, 保留下需要的, 注意不要改变换行的方式.

Manually select the key parts

Yep, this program can't do artificial intelligence, only manual intelligence. How do I know which part you think is more important? So please copy and paste the subtitles printed above, and then delete the unwanted parts, keep the key parts, be careful not to change the origional wrap.

In [13]:
if __name__=="__main__":
首先它必须每一个面… 它是个正多面体
除此之外 它还有一个要求
我们现在想证明一下 正多面体只有五种


Then we can get the start and end timestamps of a sentence:

In [14]:
if __name__=="__main__":
                 text           end         start  \
0           什么叫柏拉图立体呢  00:00:15.539  00:00:13.859   
1         他提出正多面体只有五种  00:00:24.339  00:00:21.719   
2   所以我们就把正多面体称为柏拉图立体  00:00:27.019  00:00:24.519   
3  首先它必须每一个面… 它是个正多面体  00:00:32.520  00:00:29.160   
4        每个面都是同样的正多边形  00:00:38.100  00:00:32.679   

0  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y  
1  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y  
2  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y  
3  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y  
4  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y  


根据上面获得的起止时间, 去下载youtube视频中的片段. 很遗憾, youtube-dl虽然可以方便下载youtube视频, 但却无法只下载某个片段. 所以这里有两个事情要做:

  • 获得真实的youtube视频文件地址. 真正的视频文件并不是你看到的www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y 而是一个带有签名的超复杂地址, 我猜测可能还会在不同电脑或者不同时间段有变化. 但YouTube-dl是能够获得这个地址的, 方便起见, 我直接抓取的是视频+音频合并的格式. 此时也不必下载视频.
  • 通过ffmpeg下载视频片段, ffmpeg的-ss -to可以设定起止时间, 但如果直接使用起止时间, 应当用-copyts来强制使用原始视频的绝对时间. 而且-ss放在-i之前还是之后,也有不少学问. 具体请参考https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking

这里使用了x264和mp3分别对视频和音频进行了重新编码, 导致速度较慢. 理论上可以使用“copy”, 但实测发现因为每个片段都很短, 高概率丢失关键帧, 所以不重新编码的话, 很有可能画面是静止的.

虽然ffmpeg也有python的处理版本, 但是那个库也是生成了ffmpeg的命令行, 还要学一堆他自定的语法, 还不如我直接用subprocess.run呢

Download youtube clip

According to the start and end timestamps obtained above, you can download the clip in the youtube video. Unfortunately, although youtube-dl can download youtube videos conveniently, it can't just download a clip. So there are two things to do here:

  • Get the real youtube video file address. The real video file is not what you see as www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AE_G_9c7Y but a super complex address with a signature, I guess it might change on a different computer or in different time periods. But YouTube-dl is able to get this address. For convenience, I will directly capture the video + audio merged format. There is no need to download the video at this time.
  • Download video clips via ffmpeg, ffmpeg's -ss -to can set the start and end time, but if you use the start and end time directly, you should use -copyts to force the absolute time of the original video. And -ss Before or after -i, there are also many studies. For details, please refer to https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking

Here, x264 and mp3 are used to re-encode video and audio respectively, but resulting a slower speed. In theory, "copy" can be used, but I find out that because each fragment is short and the key frame is lost with high probability, it cannot re-encoded well. If so, it is very likely that the picture is still.

Although ffmpeg also has a python processing version, but that library is also generates the ffmpeg command, and I need to learn a bunch of custom syntax. So I prefer subprocess.run

In [15]:
def download_part_youtube(video_url, start, end,output_filename):
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'format': '22'}) as ydl:
        info_dict = ydl.extract_info(video_url, download=False)
        real_video_url = info_dict.get("url", None)

     '-to', end,
     '-c:v', 'libx264', '-c:a', 'libmp3lame', #视频重编码使用x264, 音频重编码使用mp3
     '-copyts', # 强制使用原视频的绝对时间
     '-y', # 强制覆盖
    p=subprocess.run(ffmpeg_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)


这就是把前面的准备工作合并到一起了, 根据摘取的数据库中的url、起止时间, 去到每个url中下载起止时间的视频片段. 这些视频片段都下载到了本地, 将文件名写入一个txt文件进行记录. 然后使用ffmpeg的concat功能将txt文件中的文件合并成一个视频文件. 最后再打扫一下临时文件, 就大功告成了.

Capture video clips based on text and merge

This is to merge the previous preparations together. According to the url in the extracted database, the start and end time, go to each url to download the video clips from the start to end time. These video clips are downloaded, the file name is record to a txt file. Then use ffmpeg's concat function to merge the files in the txt file into one video file. Finally, clean the temporary file and you're done.

In [16]:
def get_youtube_by_keynote(df, final_output):
    #临时文件命名, 记录临时文件列表
    temp_file_list=["tmp_{}.mp4".format(index) for index in range(len(df))]
    with open(temp_input,'w') as f:
        for index in range(len(df)):
            f.write("file '{}'\n".format(temp_file_list[index]))    

    # 遍历数据库, 下载每个视频片段
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        download_part_youtube(row.url, row.start, row.end,temp_file_list[index])
    # 将临时文件合并起来
                   '-i', temp_input,
                   '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'copy', '-copyts', #合并似乎不需要重新编码
    subprocess.run(ff_concat_command, shell=False)
    # 打扫临时文件
    for f in temp_file_list:

合并到一起, 如果是在本地运行, 只需要找本地目录中的内容. 如果是放在colab上, 下载文件是要调用google.colab库中的file.download函数

Merge together. If it run locally, just look for the contents of the local directory. If it is placed on the colab, to download file is to call the file.download function in the google.colab library.

In [ ]:
if __name__=="__main__":
    get_youtube_by_keynote(df, final_output)
    # download from google colab
        from google.colab import files
        print("not in google colab")


这个小工具可以用来制作公开课的快速复习视频. 比如OCW, deeplearning.ai中的课程, 都是放在youtube上的. 一些上过的课时间一久就该忘了, 太可惜了. 但完全重看一遍又没有必要, 如果用此方法可以制作出快速复习视频. 只需要很短的时间就可以唤起回忆.

另一个可能的诡异应用是, 我也可以不视频字幕中的文字, 而是自己撰写一些常用的语句, 如果difflib.get_close_matches能够找到接近的语句, 就可以摘取下来. 那么给定一组视频, 比如某个总统的演讲视频. 也可以制作出一份“断章取义”的视频来. 当然每句话之间是断断续续, 背景也可能不断转换. 但可能很有趣吧. 这个功能需要对查找的部分进行一些修改, 以后有时间再进行了.

Use and further improvement

This gadget can be used to make quick review videos of open classes. For example, the courses in OCW, deeplearning.ai are all on youtube. Some of the lessons have been forgotten for a long time, it is a pity. But it's not necessary to review it completely again. If you use this gadget, you can make a short review video. It only takes a short time to evoke memories.

Another possible weird application is that I can also write some common sentences NOT in the video subtitles. If difflib.get_close_matches can find the close statement, it can be extracted. Then given a set of videos, For example, a video of a president's speech. You can also make a video that is “out of context”. Of course, every sentence is intermittent, and the background may be constantly changing. But it may be interesting. Some modifications needs to be performed on the searched part. Might do it later.